Today we are going to write about the Blue Brain Project. It is an interesting research that represents an essential first step toward achieving a “complete virtual human brain”.
Project director is Henry Markram, a professor of neuroscience at the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology (EPFL). He is the founder of the Brain Mind Institute, founder and director of the Blue Brain Project.
The main idea is to move from real to the virtual. As the project team explain, “the researchers have been working to explain the behavior of and the way they connect to form circuits. This kind of knowledge makes it possible to isolate basic principles they can incorporate in their simulations. The scientists have translated their observations into mathematics, developing powerful algorithms to represent neuronal behavior in a realistic way, and to make the best possible use of supercomputing power”.
Moreover, The Blue Brain project “sets out to make neuroscientific research more efficient and in the long run will help to limit the need to use laboratory animals”.
Running from 2.002, 2013 is the year when The Blue Brain project becomes a National Research Infraestructure funded by the ETH Board. Here you can find when EU Comission anounces the project as one of two funded FET Flagship projects. (
Click this link if you want to know more abut the Blue Brain Project
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